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Get Google Calendar Event List in WordPress

<a href="">Get Your Api Credentials Here</a> <a href="">Get your Calender ID</a> <?php include_once("wp-load.php"); function  get_calender_events() { $params = array(); /*Get current date*/ $current_date  = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); /*Convert it to google calendar's rfc_format */ $rfc_format = date("c", strtotime($current_date)); $params[] = 'orderBy=startTime'; $params[] ='maxResults=100'; $params[] = 'timeMin='.urlencode($rfc_format); $url_param = ''; foreach($params as $param) { $url_param.= '&'.$param; } $calender_id = "calender_id"; $client_key =  "client_key"; $url = "".$calender_id."/events?key=".$client_key."&singleEvents=true".$url_param; $list_events = wp_remote_post($url, ...


//WP Search  in API

define ('DB_USER', 'root');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', '');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'cabcouk_db1');

$con = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD,DB_NAME);

if (!$con) {
    die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());

$terms = $_REQUEST[ 's' ];
$exploded = explode( ' ', $terms );
if( $exploded === FALSE || count( $exploded ) == 0 )
$exploded = array( 0 => $terms );

$where = '';    
 foreach( $exploded as $tag ) :
            $where .= "
            AND (
            (wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%$tag%')
            OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE '%$tag%')
            OR EXISTS (
            SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta
            WHERE post_id = wp_posts.ID
            AND (";
            $where .= " (meta_value RLIKE '[[:<:]]".$tag."[[:>:]]' AND meta_key IN('map_location','post-code')) ";
            $where .= ")
            OR EXISTS (
            SELECT * FROM wp_terms
            INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy
            ON wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id
            INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships
            ON wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
            WHERE (
            taxonomy = 'post_tag'
            OR taxonomy = 'category'
            AND object_id = wp_posts.ID
            AND LIKE '%$tag%'

     $rs= "select id,post_title from wp_posts WHERE 1 $where AND post_type='post' ORDER BY id DESC";

$result = mysqli_query($con,$rs);
$data = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$responses = array();
if($data != 0) {

 while($results = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$id = $results['id'];
$post_title = $results['post_title'];

 $rs1= "select * from wp_postmeta WHERE post_id=$id";

$result1 = mysqli_query($con,$rs1);
$data1 = mysqli_num_rows($result1);

if($data1 != 0) {

 while($results1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1))










       $temp = explode(",",$image);

$responses[] = array(
                            'id' => $id,
'title' => $post_title,
'phone_no' => $phone_no,
'post_code' => $post_code,
'image' => $temp[0] ,



  $success = array(
                   'status' => 1,
        'Response' => $responses,
echo json_encode($success);


 //echo $rs;

echo "<hr>";
    $query= "SELECT * FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.meta_id WHERE 1 $where AND post_type='post'";
    echo $query;      

 /* File :
  * Author : CSS
 class TAXIREST {

  public $_allow = array();
  public $_content_type = "application/json";
  public $_request = array();

  private $_method = "";
  private $_code = 200;

  public function __construct(){

  public function get_api_referer(){
   return $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

  public function api_response($data,$status){
   $this->_code = ($status)?$status:200;
   echo $data;

  private function get_api_status_message(){
   $status = array(
      100 => 'Continue', 
      101 => 'Switching Protocols', 
      200 => 'OK',
      201 => 'Created', 
      202 => 'Accepted', 
      203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 
      204 => 'No Content', 
      205 => 'Reset Content', 
      206 => 'Partial Content', 
      300 => 'Multiple Choices', 
      301 => 'Moved Permanently', 
      302 => 'Found', 
      303 => 'See Other', 
      304 => 'Not Modified', 
      305 => 'Use Proxy', 
      306 => '(Unused)', 
      307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 
      400 => 'Bad Request', 
      401 => 'Unauthorized', 
      402 => 'Payment Required', 
      403 => 'Forbidden', 
      404 => 'Not Found', 
      405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 
      406 => 'Not Acceptable', 
      407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 
      408 => 'Request Timeout', 
      409 => 'Conflict', 
      410 => 'Gone', 
      411 => 'Length Required', 
      412 => 'Precondition Failed', 
      413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 
      414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 
      415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 
      416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 
      417 => 'Expectation Failed', 
      500 => 'Internal Server Error', 
      501 => 'Not Implemented', 
      502 => 'Bad Gateway', 
      503 => 'Service Unavailable', 
      504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 
      505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported');
   return ($status[$this->_code])?$status[$this->_code]:$status[500];

  public function get_api_request_method(){

  private function apiinputs(){
    case "POST":
     $this->_request = $this->cleanApiInputs($_POST);
    case "GET":
    case "DELETE":
     $this->_request = $this->cleanApiInputs($_GET);
    case "PUT":
     $this->_request = $this->cleanApiInputs($this->_request);

  private function cleanApiInputs($data){
   $clean_input = array();
    foreach($data as $k => $v){
     $clean_input[$k] = $this->cleanApiInputs($v);
     $data = trim(stripslashes($data));
    $data = strip_tags($data);
    $clean_input = trim($data);
   return $clean_input;

  private function set_api_headers(){
  //echo "AAA".$this->get_api_status_message();
   header("HTTP/1.1 ".$this->_code." ".$this->get_api_status_message());


// Same as error_reporting(E_ALL);
//ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
$a = fopen("driv.txt","w");
foreach($_REQUEST as $k=>$v)
  foreach($v as $kk=>$vv)
    foreach($vv as $kkk=>$vvv)
 function checkEmail($email)
   $result = TRUE;
   if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email))
    $result = FALSE;
   return $result;
 class API extends TAXIREST {
  public $data = "";

  const DB_SERVER = "localhost";
  const DB_USER = "uetsa";
  const DB_PASSWORD = "lkjerw@qw";
  const DB = "tax_poi";
 /* const DB_SERVER = "localhost";
  const DB_USER = "opuye";
  const DB_PASSWORD = "jhg*2qwvfg";
  const DB = "tasi_app";*/

  private $db = NULL;
  public function __construct(){
   parent::__construct();    // Init parent contructor
   $this->dbConnect();     // Initiate Database connection
   *  Database connection
  private function dbConnect(){
   $this->db = mysql_connect(self::DB_SERVER,self::DB_USER,self::DB_PASSWORD);

   * Public method for access api.
   * This method dynmically call the method based on the query string
  public function processApi(){
   $func = strtolower(trim(str_replace("/","",$_REQUEST['rquest']))); 
   if((int)method_exists($this,$func) > 0)

   * Simple Driver  Registeraton  API
   *  Driver  Registeraton must be POST method
   *  fname : <Driver First Name>
   *  lname : <Driver Last Name>
   *  username : <Driver Username>
   *  password : <Driver Password>
   *  emailid : <Driver Email ID>
   *  phone_no : <Driver Phone No>
   *  driver_noplate : <Driver No Plate>
   *  lat : <Driver Lat>
   *  lng : <Driver Lng>
   *  lic_no : <Driver LicNo>
   *  lic_exp_date : <Driver Lic Exp Date>
   *  tc : <Terms & Condition>
   *  payoption : <Payment Option>
   *  cofexpiry : <cofexpiry>
   *  regoexpiry : <regoexpiry>
   *  licencecardexpiry : <licencecardexpiry>
   *  vtid : <vtid>
   *  veh_no : <veh_no>
   *  made : <made>
   *  taxifleetname : <taxifleetname>
   *  taxifleetnumber : <taxifleetnumber>
   *  API URL  :
  private function driverregisteration(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $fname = $this->_request['fname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter First Name.");
   $lname = $this->_request['lname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Last Name.");
   $username = $this->_request['username'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Username.");
   $password = $this->_request['password'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Password.");
   $emailid = $this->_request['emailid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Email ID.");
   $phone_no = $this->_request['phone_no'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Phone NO.");
   $driver_noplate = $this->_request['driver_noplate'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter driver no plate.");
   $lat = $this->_request['lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Lat.");
   $lng = $this->_request['lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Lng.");
   $lic_no = $this->_request['lic_no'];
   $lic_exp_date = $this->_request['lic_exp_date'];
   $tc = $this->_request['tc'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Select Terms & Condition");
   $payoption = $this->_request['payoption'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Payment Option.");
   $cofexpiry = $this->_request['cofexpiry'];
   $regoexpiry = $this->_request['regoexpiry'];
   $licencecardexpiry = $this->_request['licencecardexpiry'];
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle TaxiType.");
   $veh_no = $this->_request['veh_no'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehical Number.");
   $modelno= $this->_request['modelno'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Model Number.");
   $made = $this->_request['made'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Made.");
   $taxifleetname = $this->_request['taxifleetname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter taxi fleet name.");
   $taxifleetnumber = $this->_request['taxifleetnumber'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter taxi fleet number.");
    $squery = mysql_query("select * from tbl_driver_master where username='".$username."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($squery) > 0){
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'This username Already Exist.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
     $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_driver_master (fname, lname, username, password, emailid, phone_no, driver_noplate, lat, lng, lic_no, lic_exp_date, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted, tc, payoption,cofexpiry,regoexpiry,licencecardexpiry) values ('".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$username."', '".$password."', '".$emailid."', '".$phone_no."', '".$driver_noplate."', '".$lat."',  '".$lng."', '".$lic_no."',  '".$lic_exp_date."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."','".$tc."','".$payoption."','".$cofexpiry."','".$regoexpiry."','".$licencecardexpiry."')";
     $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
     /*******Eddited bY punam******/
     if($insert_id > 0)
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT price_per_min,price_per_km,min_price FROM `tbl_vehicle_type_master` WHERE vtid = '".$vtid."'", $this->db);  
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
       while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
        $price_per_km = $result_res["price_per_km"];
        $price_per_min = $result_res["price_per_min"];
        $min_price = $result_res["min_price"];
      $insert_vehicle_sql = "insert into tbl_vehicle_master (did, veh_no, vtid, price_per_km,price_per_min, min_price, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted,modelno,made,taxifleetname,taxifleetnumber) values ('".$insert_id."', '".$veh_no."', '".$vtid."', '".$price_per_km."', '".$price_per_min."', '".$min_price."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."', '".$modelno."', '".$made."', '".$taxifleetname."', '".$taxifleetnumber."')";    
      $vehicae_sql = mysql_query($insert_vehicle_sql, $this->db);          
     $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
     $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     // Mail
     $body1 = "<font face=verdana size=2>";
     $body1 .= "Dear ".$fname.". Your account has been created for Driver and your login details as<br><br>";
     $body1 .= "User Name: ".$username."<br>";
     $body1 .= "Password: ".$password."<br><br><br>your request has been processed/accepted, to become Ezygo partner please bring the following original documents to Ezygo office for the app activation";
     $body1 .= "</font>";
     $emsubject = "Welcome to Ezygo.";
     $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
     $headers .= 'From:' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
       'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();     
     mail($emailid, $emsubject, $body1, $headers);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get Driver By DID  API
   *  Get Driver By DID POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getdriverbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did = '".$did."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get All Drivers  API
   *  Get All Drivers POST method
   *  API URL  :
  private function getalldriver(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Delete Driver By DID  API
   *  Get All Drivers POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function deletedriverbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_driver_master set is_deleted='1', action_date='".$action_date."' where did='".$did."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did='".$did."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Edit Driver By DID API
   *  Edit Driver By DID must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  fname : <Driver First Name>
   *  lname : <Driver Last Name>
   *  username : <Driver Username>
   *  password : <Driver Password>
   *  emailid : <Driver Email ID>
   *  phone_no : <Driver Phone No>
   *  driver_noplate : <Driver No Plate>
   *  deviceid : <Driver DeviceId>
   *  lat : <Driver Lat>
   *  lng : <Driver Lng>
   *  lic_no : <Driver LicNo>
   *  lic_exp_date : <Driver Lic Exp Date>
   *  API URL  :
  private function editdriverbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
   $fname = $this->_request['fname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter First Name.");
   $lname = $this->_request['lname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Last Name.");
   $username = $this->_request['username'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Username.");
   $password = $this->_request['password'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Password.");
   $emailid = $this->_request['emailid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Email ID.");
   $phone_no = $this->_request['phone_no'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Phone NO.");
   $driver_noplate = $this->_request['driver_noplate'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver No Plate.");
   $deviceid = $this->_request['deviceid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter DeviceId.");
   $lat = $this->_request['lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Lat.");
   $lng = $this->_request['lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Lng.");
   $lic_no = $this->_request['lic_no'];
   $lic_exp_date = $this->_request['lic_exp_date'];
         $payoption = $this->_request['payoption'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Payment Option.");
    /*$squery = mysql_query("select * from tbl_driver_master where username='".$username."' and did='".$did."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($squery) > 0){
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'This username Already Exist.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
     $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $update_sql = "update tbl_driver_master set fname='".$fname."', lname='".$lname."', username='".$username."', password='".$password."', emailid='".$emailid."', phone_no='".$phone_no."', driver_noplate='".$driver_noplate."', deviceid='".$deviceid."', lat='".$lat."', lng='".$lng."', lic_no='".$lic_no."', lic_exp_date='".$lic_exp_date."', action_date='".$action_date."',payoption='".$payoption."' where did='".$did."'";
     $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db); 
     //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did = '$did'", $this->db);
     $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.*,vm.* FROM tbl_vehicle_master vm inner join tbl_driver_master dm on vm.did = dm.did WHERE dm.did = '$did'", $this->db);
     $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Edit Lat LNG By DID  API
   *  Edit LAT LNG By DID POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  lat : <Driver LAT>
   *  lng : <Driver LNG>
   *  API URL  :
  private function editlatlngbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $lat = $this->_request['lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver LAT.");
   $lng = $this->_request['lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver LNG.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_driver_master set lat='".$lat."', lng='".$lng."', action_date='".$action_date."' where did='".$did."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT did,lat,lng FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did='".$did."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Edit LAT LNG By DeviceId  API
   *  Edit Lat LNG By DeviceId POST method
   *  deviceid : <Driver DeviceId>
   *  lat : <Driver LAT>
   *  lng : <Driver LNG>
   *  API URL  :
  private function editlatlngbydeviceid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $deviceid = $this->_request['deviceid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver DeviceId.");
   $lat = $this->_request['lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver LAT.");
   $lng = $this->_request['lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver LNG.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_driver_master set lat='".$lat."', lng='".$lng."', action_date='".$action_date."' where deviceid='".$deviceid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT deviceid,lat,lng FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE deviceid='".$deviceid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Driver LOGIN API
   *  Driver Login must be POST method
   *  username : <Driver username>
   *  password : <Driver password>
   *  API URL  :

  private function driverlogin(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $username = $this->_request['username'];
   $password = $this->_request['password'];
   // Input validations
   if(!empty($username) || !empty($password)){
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '".$password."'", $this->db);
    //$sql = mysql_query("SELECT dm.*,vm.* FROM tbl_vehicle_master vm inner join tbl_driver_master dm on vm.did = dm.did WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '".$password."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0){
     $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql,MYSQL_ASSOC);
      /*$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did = '".$result["did"]."'", $this->db);
      $result1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1,MYSQL_ASSOC);     
      $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_vehicle_master WHERE did = '".$result["did"]."'", $this->db);
      $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql2,MYSQL_ASSOC);     
      $sql_res_veh = mysql_query("SELECT dm.*,vm.* FROM tbl_vehicle_master vm inner join tbl_driver_master dm on vm.did = dm.did WHERE dm.did = '".$result["did"]."'", $this->db);
      $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_veh,MYSQL_ASSOC);
      $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
      $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
      $success = array("status" => "false", "items" => "Driver is Inactive, Please contact to Administrator");
      $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Username or Password");
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);   
   $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Username or Password");
   $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Driver Forget Password API
   *  Driver Forget Password must be POST method
   *  username : <Driver username>
   *  API URL  :

  private function driverforgetpassword(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $email = $this->_request['email']; 
   if(!empty($email) && checkEmail($email)){
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE emailid = '".$email."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0){
     $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $length =10; 
     srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
     $max = $length/2;
     for($i=1; $i<=$max; $i++)
     $newpass = $password;
     $body1 = "<font face=verdana size=2>";
     $body1 .= "Your New Password<br><br>";
     $body1 .= "EMAIL-ID: ".$email."<br>";
     $body1 .= "PASSWORD: ".$newpass."<br>";
     $body1 .= "</font>";
     $emsubject = "Your New Password.";
     $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
     $headers .= 'From:' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
       'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
     if (mail($email, $emsubject, $body1, $headers))
      $del_sql = mysql_query("update tbl_driver_master set password='".$newpass."' where emailid='".$email."'", $this->db);
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE emailid = '$email' AND password = '".$newpass."'", $this->db);
      $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
      $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
      $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
      $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Message delivery failed...");
      $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);     
     $this->api_response($this->json($result), 200);
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Email");
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);   
   $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Email");
   $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get all details of customer as current or advance booking
   *  Get all details of customer as current or advance booking must be POST method
   *  API URL  :

  private function getallcustomerbooking(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $ss="SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE booking_time > '".$timenow."' and is_activate = 1 and is_deleted=0 ";
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE booking_time > '".$timenow."' and is_activate = 1 and is_deleted=0 ", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$result_res_booking['cid']."'", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
       $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $ss  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Droped Booking Status  API
   *  Droped Booking Status must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  driving_date : <Driving Date>
   *  API URL  :
  private function dailydriverworkinghrs(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $driving_date = $this->_request['driving_date'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driving Date.");
    $driving_date=date('Y-m-d', strtotime($driving_date));
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbid FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE did = '$did' and collected_date like '$driving_date%'", $this->db);
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $sql_booking= mysql_query("SELECT traveling_time FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid = '".$result_res['tbid']."'", $this->db);
     $result_boking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC);

    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

################################ DRIVER API END ###################################

################################ Vehicle API Start ###################################
   * Simple Vehicle  Registeraton  API
   *  Vehicle  Registeraton must be POST method
   *  vtid :   <Vehicle TaxiType>
   *  did :   <Driver ID>
   *  price_per_km : <Driver PricePerKm>
   *  price_per_min : <Driver PricePerMin>
   *  min_price : <Driver MinFare>
   *  veh_no : <Vehicle Number>
   *  color : <Vehicle Color>
   *  photo : <Vehicle Photo>
   *  API URL  :
  private function vehicalregisteration(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle TaxiType.");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   /*$price_per_km = $this->_request['price_per_km'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Price Per Km.");
   $price_per_min = $this->_request['price_per_min'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Price Per Min.");
   $min_price = $this->_request['min_price'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Min Price.");
   $veh_no = $this->_request['veh_no']; 
   $color = $this->_request['color'];
   $photo = $this->_request['photo'];
   $modelno = $this->_request['modelno'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Model Number.");
   $made = $this->_request['made'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Made.");
   $taxifleetname = $this->_request['taxifleetname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Taxi Fleet Name.");
   $taxifleetnumber = $this->_request['taxifleetnumber'];
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT price_per_min,price_per_km,min_price FROM `tbl_vehicle_type_master` WHERE vtid = '".$vtid."'", $this->db);  
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $price_per_km = $result_res["price_per_km"];
      $price_per_min = $result_res["price_per_min"];
      $min_price = $result_res["min_price"];
    $insert_vehicle_sql = "insert into tbl_vehicle_master (did, veh_no, vtid, price_per_km, price_per_min, min_price, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted,modelno,made,taxifleetname,taxifleetnumber) values ('".$did."', '".$veh_no."', '".$vtid."', '".$price_per_km."', '".$price_per_min."', '".$min_price."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."', '".$modelno."', '".$made."', '".$taxifleetname."', '".$taxifleetnumber."')";
    //$insert_vehicle_sql = "insert into tbl_vehicle_master (did, veh_no, vtid, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted,modelno,made,taxifleetname,taxifleetnumber) values ('".$did."', '".$veh_no."', '".$vtid."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."', '".$modelno."', '".$made."', '".$taxifleetname."', '".$taxifleetnumber."')";
    $vehicae_sql = mysql_query($insert_vehicle_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res_veh = mysql_query("SELECT dm.*,vm.* FROM tbl_vehicle_master vm inner join tbl_driver_master dm on vm.did = dm.did WHERE vid = '$vid'", $this->db);
    $result_res_veh = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_veh,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get All Vehicle By DID  API
   *  Get Driver By DID POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getallvehicalbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_vehicle_master.*, CONCAT_WS(' ',tbl_driver_master.fname,tbl_driver_master.lname) as name FROM tbl_driver_master,tbl_vehicle_master WHERE tbl_driver_master.did = '".$did."' and tbl_driver_master.did =tbl_vehicle_master.did ", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get All Vehicle By VTID  API
   *  Get Driver By VTID POST method
   *  vtid : <Vehicle TypeID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getallvehicalbyvtid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle TypeID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_vehicle_master*, CONCAT_WS(' ',tbl_driver_master.fname,tbl_driver_master.lname) as name FROM tbl_driver_master,tbl_vehicle_master WHERE tbl_driver_master.vtid = '".$vtid."' and tbl_driver_master.did =tbl_vehicle_master.did ", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Edit Vehicle By VID API
   *  Edit Vehicle By VID must be POST method
   *  vid :   <Vehicle ID>
   *  vtid :   <Vehicle TaxiType>
   *  did :   <Driver ID>
   *  price_per_km : <Driver PricePerKm>
   *  price_per_min : <Driver PricePerMin>
   *  min_price : <Driver MinFare>
   *  veh_no : <Vehicle Number>
   *  color : <Vehicle Color>
   *  photo : <Vehicle Photo>
   *  API URL  :
  private function editvehiclebyvid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $vid = $this->_request['vid'];
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle TaxiType.");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   /*$price_per_km = $this->_request['price_per_km'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Price Per Km.");
   $price_per_min = $this->_request['price_per_min'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Price Per Min.");
   $min_price = $this->_request['min_price'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Min Price.");
   $veh_no = $this->_request['veh_no']; 
   $color = $this->_request['color'];
   $photo = $this->_request['photo'];
      $modelno = $this->_request['modelno'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Model Number.");
   $made = $this->_request['made'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Made.");
   $taxifleetname = $this->_request['taxifleetname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Taxi Fleet Name.");
   $taxifleetnumber = $this->_request['taxifleetnumber'];
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT price_per_min,price_per_km,min_price FROM `tbl_vehicle_type_master` WHERE vtid = '".$vtid."'", $this->db);  
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $price_per_km = $result_res["price_per_km"];
      $price_per_min = $result_res["price_per_min"];
      $min_price = $result_res["min_price"];
    $update_sql = "update tbl_vehicle_master set did='".$did."', veh_no='".$veh_no."', vtid='".$vtid."', price_per_km='".$price_per_km."', price_per_min='".$price_per_min."', min_price='".$min_price."',  action_date='".$action_date."',modelno='".$modelno."',made='".$made."',taxifleetname='".$taxifleetname."',taxifleetnumber='".$taxifleetnumber."' where vid='".$vid."'";
    //$update_sql = "update tbl_vehicle_master set did='".$did."', veh_no='".$veh_no."', vtid='".$vtid."', action_date='".$action_date."',modelno='".$modelno."',made='".$made."',taxifleetname='".$taxifleetname."',taxifleetnumber='".$taxifleetnumber."' where vid='".$vid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res_veh = mysql_query("SELECT dm.*,vm.* FROM tbl_vehicle_master vm inner join tbl_driver_master dm on vm.did = dm.did WHERE vid = '$vid'", $this->db);
    $result_res_veh = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_veh,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

################################ Vehicle API END ###################################

################################ BOOKING STATUS API Start ###################################
   * Simple Reg Booking Status  API
   *  Reg Booking Status must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  tbid : <Booking ID>
   *  status : <Booking Status Declined/Accepted>
   *  API URL  :

  private function registerbookingstatus(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID");
   $status = $this->_request['status'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Status.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_taxi_booking_status (did, tbid, status, status_date, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$did."', '".$tbid."', '".$status."', '".$action_date."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbsid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

  private function registerbookingstatuspush(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID");
   $status = $this->_request['status'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Status.");
   $pushmsg = "";
   //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.did,dm.fname,dm.lname,tb.cid FROM tbl_driver_master dm inner join tbl_taxi_booking_status bs on bs.did=dm.did inner join tbl_taxi_booking tb on tb.tbid = bs.tbid WHERE bs.did = '".$did."' and bs.tbid= '".$tbid."'", $this->db);  
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.did, dm.fname, dm.lname, tb.cid, vm.modelno, vm.made FROM tbl_driver_master dm INNER JOIN tbl_taxi_booking_status bs ON bs.did = dm.did INNER JOIN tbl_taxi_booking tb ON tb.tbid = bs.tbid INNER JOIN tbl_vehicle_master vm ON vm.did = dm.did WHERE bs.did = '".$did."' and bs.tbid= '".$tbid."'", $this->db);  
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $pushmsg = "Driver Name: ".$result_res["fname"]." ".$result_res["lname"]." Phone No: ".$result_res["phone_no"]." Taxi Number Plate: ".$result_res["driver_noplate"]." Model Number: ".$result_res["modelno"]." Made: ".$result_res["made"];
     $cid = $result_res["cid"];
    $APPLICATION_ID = "EwtvZ084bz37sdbhUpA8UGgDSjJ3QWzuVxWnxomD";
    $REST_API_KEY = "0mULy8Hapo6DPPTpaxTFot4i1vrIXb9FWJEJjvSc";      
    $url = '';
    $data = array(
    'where' => array(
    'cid' => $cid,
    'expiry' => 1451606400,
    'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsg",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"Booking Accepted"),
   $_data = json_encode($data);
   $headers = array(
   'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
   'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
   'Content-Type: application/json',
   'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
   $curl = curl_init($url);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); 

   * Simple Collected Booking Status  API
   *  Collected Booking Status must be POST method
   *  tbsid : <Booking Status ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function collectedbookingstatus(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbsid = $this->_request['tbsid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Status ID.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_taxi_booking_status set status='Collected', collected_date='".$action_date."', action_date='".$action_date."' where tbsid='".$tbsid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbsid = '$tbsid'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Droped Booking Status  API
   *  Droped Booking Status must be POST method
   *  tbsid : <Booking Status ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function dropedbookingstatus(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbsid = $this->_request['tbsid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Status ID.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_taxi_booking_status set status='Completed', droped_date='".$action_date."', action_date='".$action_date."' where tbsid='".$tbsid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbsid = '$tbsid'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $traveling_time=round(abs(strtotime($droped_date) - strtotime($collected_date)) / 60,2);    
    $sql_driver = mysql_query("SELECT total_drive FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did = '".$result_res['did']."'", $this->db);
    $result_driver = mysql_fetch_array($sql_driver,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $update_bo = "update tbl_taxi_booking set status='Completed', traveling_time='".$traveling_time."' where tbid='".$result_res['tbid']."'";
    $sql_bo = mysql_query($update_bo, $this->db);
    $update_dr = "update tbl_driver_master set total_drive='".$new_total_drive."' where did='".$result_res['did']."'";
    $sql_dr = mysql_query($update_dr, $this->db);
    $msg = array();
    $msg["str"] = "Dropped Successfully";
    $success = array("status" => "true", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);  
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

  // API URL  :
  private function dropedbookingstatuspush(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbsid = $this->_request['tbsid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Status ID.");
   $pushmsg = "";
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.did, dm.fname as dfname, dm.lname  as dlname, cm.cid, cm.fname as cfname, cm.lname as clname, tb.booking_from, tb.booking_to FROM tbl_driver_master dm, tbl_taxi_booking  tb, tbl_taxi_booking_status bs, tbl_customer_master cm where dm.did=bs.did and bs.tbid=tb.tbid and tb.cid=cm.cid AND bs.status =  'Completed' and bs.tbsid= '".$tbsid."'", $this->db);
   $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
   $pushmsgdriver = "Passenger Name: ".$result_res["cfname"]." ".$result_res["clname"]." From: ".$result_res["booking_from"]." To: ".$result_res["booking_to"]." is over";
   $APPLICATION_ID = "mALjhLoXULLHOoXR1n6K4pDOhZzKicjfyXMplpzK";
   $REST_API_KEY = "sU9RWrGuumdHGHIKOvAosCBk1GRRWXywLoO4EQTV";      
   $url = '';
   $data = array(
   'where' => array(
    'did' => $result_res["did"],
   'expiry' => 1451606400,
   'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsgdriver",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"Dropped"),
   $_data = json_encode($data);
   $headers = array(
   'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
   'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
   'Content-Type: application/json',
   'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
   $curl = curl_init($url);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
   //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
   $pushmsgcustomer = "Driver Name: ".$result_res["dfname"]." ".$result_res["dlname"]." From: ".$result_res["booking_from"]." To: ".$result_res["booking_to"]." is over";
   $APPLICATION_ID = "EwtvZ084bz37sdbhUpA8UGgDSjJ3QWzuVxWnxomD";
   $REST_API_KEY = "0mULy8Hapo6DPPTpaxTFot4i1vrIXb9FWJEJjvSc";      
   $url = '';
   $data = array(
   'where' => array(
    'cid' => $result_res["cid"],
   'expiry' => 1451606400,
   'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsgcustomer",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>""),
   $_data = json_encode($data);
   $headers = array(
   'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
   'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
   'Content-Type: application/json',
   'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
   $curl = curl_init($url);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); 

   * Simple Droped Booking Status  API
   *  Droped Booking Status must be POST method
   *  tbsid : <Booking Status ID>
   *  booking_to : <booking_to>
   *  booking_to_lat : <booking_to_lat>
   *  booking_to_lng : <booking_to_lng>
   *  API URL  :
  private function dropedbookingstatusfixed(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbsid = $this->_request['tbsid'];  
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Status ID.");
   $booking_to = $this->_request['booking_to'];
   $booking_to_lat = $this->_request['booking_to_lat'];
   $booking_to_lng = $this->_request['booking_to_lng'];
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_taxi_booking_status set status='Completed', droped_date='".$action_date."', action_date='".$action_date."' where tbsid='".$tbsid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbsid = '$tbsid'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $traveling_time=round(abs(strtotime($droped_date) - strtotime($collected_date)) / 60,2);    
    $sql_driver = mysql_query("SELECT total_drive FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did = '".$result_res['did']."'", $this->db);
    $result_driver = mysql_fetch_array($sql_driver,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $update_bo = "update tbl_taxi_booking set status='Completed', traveling_time='".$traveling_time."',booking_to='".$booking_to."',booking_to_lat='".$booking_to_lat."',booking_to_lng='".$booking_to_lng."' where booking_type='FixedAdvance' and tbid='".$result_res['tbid']."'";
    $sql_bo = mysql_query($update_bo, $this->db);
    $update_dr = "update tbl_driver_master set total_drive='".$new_total_drive."' where did='".$result_res['did']."'";
    $sql_dr = mysql_query($update_dr, $this->db);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
  // API URL  :
  private function advancebookingpush(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();    
   $pushmsg = "";
   $rem1hr = $date=date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime('1 hour'));
   $rem1hr1 .= $rem1hr.":00";
   $rem1hr2 .= $rem1hr.":59";
   //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.did, dm.fname as dfname, dm.lname  as dlname, cm.cid, cm.fname as cfname, cm.lname as clname, tb.booking_from, tb.booking_to, tb.booking_time FROM tbl_driver_master dm, tbl_taxi_booking  tb, tbl_taxi_booking_status bs, tbl_customer_master cm where dm.did=bs.did and bs.tbid=tb.tbid and tb.cid=cm.cid and bs.tbsid= '".$tbsid."'", $this->db);
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.did, dm.fname AS dfname, dm.lname AS dlname, cm.cid, cm.fname AS cfname, cm.lname AS clname, tb.booking_from, tb.booking_to, tb.booking_time FROM tbl_taxi_booking tb INNER JOIN tbl_customer_master cm ON tb.cid = cm.cid INNER JOIN tbl_taxi_booking_status tbs ON tbs.tbid = tb.tbid INNER JOIN tbl_driver_master dm ON dm.did = tbs.did AND tb.booking_time >= '".$rem1hr1."' and tb.booking_time <= '".$rem1hr2."'", $this->db);
   $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
   $pushmsgdriver = "Passenger Name: ".$result_res["cfname"]." ".$result_res["clname"]." From: ".$result_res["booking_from"]." To: ".$result_res["booking_to"]." At: ".$result_res["booking_time"]." journey will start after 1 hour.";
   $APPLICATION_ID = "mALjhLoXULLHOoXR1n6K4pDOhZzKicjfyXMplpzK";
   $REST_API_KEY = "sU9RWrGuumdHGHIKOvAosCBk1GRRWXywLoO4EQTV";      
   $url = '';
   $data = array(
   'where' => array(
    'did' => $result_res["did"],
   'expiry' => 1451606400,
   'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsgdriver",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"Advance Booking"),
   $_data = json_encode($data);
   $headers = array(
   'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
   'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
   'Content-Type: application/json',
   'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
   $curl = curl_init($url);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
   //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
   $pushmsgcustomer = "Driver Name: ".$result_res["dfname"]." ".$result_res["dlname"]." From: ".$result_res["booking_from"]." To: ".$result_res["booking_to"]." At: ".$result_res["booking_time"]." journey will start after 1 hour.";
   $APPLICATION_ID = "EwtvZ084bz37sdbhUpA8UGgDSjJ3QWzuVxWnxomD";
   $REST_API_KEY = "0mULy8Hapo6DPPTpaxTFot4i1vrIXb9FWJEJjvSc";      
   $url = '';
   $data = array(
   'where' => array(
    'cid' => $result_res["cid"],
   'expiry' => 1451606400,
   'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsgcustomer",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"Advance Booking"),
   $_data = json_encode($data);
   $headers = array(
   'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
   'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
   'Content-Type: application/json',
   'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
   $curl = curl_init($url);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
   //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
   * Simple Get all Pending Booking
   *  Get all Pending Booking  must be POST method
   *  API URL  :

  private function getallpendingbooking(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid not in (select tbid from tbl_taxi_booking_status) and is_activate = 1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$result_res_booking['cid']."'", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
       $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $ss  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get all New Booking
   *  Get all New Booking  must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getallnewbookingbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $timenow1=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $timenow=$date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('-15 minutes'));
    $ss = "SELECT tbl_taxi_booking.* FROM tbl_taxi_booking, tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbl_taxi_booking.booking_time > '".$timenow."' and tbl_taxi_booking.tbid=tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbid and tbl_taxi_booking_status.did!='".$did."'  and tbl_taxi_booking.is_activate = 1 and tbl_taxi_booking.is_deleted=0";
    //$sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_taxi_booking.* FROM tbl_taxi_booking, tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbl_taxi_booking.booking_time > '".$timenow."' and tbl_taxi_booking.tbid=tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbid and tbl_taxi_booking_status.did!='".$did."' and tbl_taxi_booking.is_activate = 1 and tbl_taxi_booking.is_deleted=0", $this->db); 
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid not in ( select tbid from tbl_taxi_booking_status where status='Accepted' OR status ='Collected' OR status='Completed' or (status='Declined' AND did ='".$did."')) and booking_time >= '".$timenow."' and is_activate = 1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$result_res_booking['cid']."'", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
       $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $dt = array();   
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall);       
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $x= array();
     $x['CT'] = $timenow1;
     $x['-15 T'] = $timenow;
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $x  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get all Accepted Booking
   *  Get all Accepted Booking  must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function getallacceptbookingbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $ss = "SELECT tbl_taxi_booking.* FROM tbl_taxi_booking, tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbl_taxi_booking.tbid=tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbid and tbl_taxi_booking_status.did='".$did."' and tbl_taxi_booking_status.status='Accepted' and tbl_taxi_booking.is_activate = 1 and tbl_taxi_booking.is_deleted=0";
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_taxi_booking.*,tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbsid,tbl_taxi_booking_status.status FROM tbl_taxi_booking, tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbl_taxi_booking.tbid=tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbid and tbl_taxi_booking_status.did='".$did."' and tbl_taxi_booking_status.status='Accepted' and tbl_taxi_booking.is_activate = 1 and tbl_taxi_booking.is_deleted=0 ORDER BY tbid DESC ", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$result_res_booking['cid']."'", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
       $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $ss  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get all Booking History
   *  Get all Booking History must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function getallbookinghistorybydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $driving_date = $this->_request['driving_date'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driving Date.");
    $driving_date=date('Y-m-d', strtotime($driving_date));
    $ss = "SELECT tbl_taxi_booking.* FROM tbl_taxi_booking, tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbl_taxi_booking.tbid=tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbid and tbl_taxi_booking_status.did='".$did."' and tbl_taxi_booking_status.status='Completed' and tbl_taxi_booking.is_activate = 1 and tbl_taxi_booking.is_deleted=0";
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_taxi_booking.* FROM tbl_taxi_booking, tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbl_taxi_booking.tbid=tbl_taxi_booking_status.tbid and tbl_taxi_booking_status.did='".$did."' and tbl_taxi_booking_status.status='Completed' and tbl_taxi_booking.is_activate = 1 and tbl_taxi_booking.is_deleted=0 ORDER BY tbid DESC", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$result_res_booking['cid']."'", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
       $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbid FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE did = '$did' and collected_date like '$driving_date%'", $this->db);
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_booking= mysql_query("SELECT traveling_time FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid = '".$result_res['tbid']."'", $this->db);
      $result_boking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC);

     $res1 = $workinghrs1.":".$workinghrs2;
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall, "dailydriverworkinghrs" => $res1);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $ss  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get All Advance Booking By Passenger
   *  Get All Advance Booking By Passenger must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getadvancebookingbypassenger(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   $cid = $this->_request['cid']; 
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
    $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $ss = "SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE booking_time > '".$timenow."' and cid='".$cid."' and booking_type='Advance' or booking_type='FixedAdvance' and is_activate = 1 and is_deleted=0";
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE booking_time > '".$timenow."' and cid='".$cid."' and (booking_type='Advance' or booking_type='FixedAdvance') and is_activate = 1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $ss  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Cancel the Advance Booking By Passenger API
   *  Cancel the Advance Booking  By Passenger must be POST method
   *  tbid : <Booking ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function cancelbookingbypassenger(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_taxi_booking set is_activate=0, action_date='".$action_date."' where tbid='".$tbid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $update_status = "update tbl_taxi_booking_status set is_activate=0, action_date='".$action_date."' where tbid='".$tbid."'";
    $status = mysql_query($update_status, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid = '$tbid'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $sql_status = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbid = '$tbid'", $this->db);
     $result_status  = mysql_fetch_array($sql_status,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get all past booking destinations By Passenger
   *  Get all past booking destinations By Passenger must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getallpastbookingbypassenger(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   $cid = $this->_request['cid']; 
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
    $timenow=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $ss = "SELECT  tbid, cid, booking_to, booking_to_lat, booking_to_lng FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE cid='".$cid."'";
    $sql_res_booking = mysql_query("SELECT tbid, cid, booking_to, booking_to_lat, booking_to_lng FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE  cid='".$cid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_booking) > 0)
     while($result_res_booking = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_booking,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resall);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.', "sql" => $ss  );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

################################ BOOKING STATUS API END ###################################

################################ INVITE FRIEND API Start ###################################
   * Simple Reg Invite Friend  API
   *  Reg INVITE FRIEND must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  femailid : <Friend Email ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function registerinvitefriend(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $femailid = $this->_request['femailid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Friend Email ID.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_invite_friends (cid, femailid, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$cid."', '".$femailid."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_invite_friends WHERE ifid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

################################ INVITE FRIEND API END ###################################

################################ Customer Credit API Start ###################################
   * Simple Reg Customer Credit API
   *  Reg Customer Credit must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  credit : <Customer Credit>
   *  API URL  :
  private function registercustomercredit(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $credit = $this->_request['credit'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Credit.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_credit_master (cid, credit, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$cid."', '".$credit."', '".$action_date."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_credit_master WHERE crid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get Customer Credit API
   *  Get Customer Credit must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getcustomercredit(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_credit_master WHERE cid = '$cid' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Edit Customer Credit API
   *  Edit Customer Credit must be POST method
   *  crid : <Customer Credit ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  credit : <Customer Credit>
   *  API URL  :
  private function editcustomercredit(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $crid = $this->_request['crid'];
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $credit = $this->_request['credit'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Credit.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_credit_master set cid='".$cid."',credit='".$credit."' where crid='".$crid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_credit_master WHERE crid = '$crid'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
################################ Customer Credit API END ###################################

################################ SURPLUS API Start ###################################
   * Simple Get Surplus API
   *  Get Surplus must be POST method
   *  API URL  :
  private function getsurplus(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_surplus_master WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
   $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
   $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
   $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
################################ SURPLUS API END ###################################

################################ Booking Payment API Start ###################################
   * Simple Reg Booking Payment API
   *  Reg Booking Payment must be POST method
   *  tbid : <Taxi Booking ID>
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  oid : <Offer ID>
   *  spid : <Sur Plus ID>
   *  pcid : <Promo Code ID>
   *  crid : <Credit ID>
   *  paymode : <Payment Mode>
   *  total_km : <Total KM>
   *  total_min : <Total Min>
   *  API URL  :

  private function registerbookingpayment(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID.");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $oid = (int)$this->_request['oid'];
   $spid = (int)$this->_request['spid'];
   $pcid = (int)$this->_request['pcid'];
   $crid = (int)$this->_request['crid'];
   $paymode = $this->_request['paymode'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Payment Mode.");
   $total_km = $this->_request['total_km'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Total KM.");
   $total_km =(float) $this->_request['total_km'];
   $total_min = $this->_request['total_min'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Total Min.");
   $total_min = (float)$this->_request['total_min'];
   $driver_query=mysql_query("SELECT price_per_km, price_per_min, min_price FROM tbl_vehicle_master WHERE did = '$did'", $this->db);
   $result_driver = mysql_fetch_array($driver_query,MYSQL_ASSOC);
   $total_fare = ($total_km*$price_per_km)+($total_min*$price_per_min)+$min_price;
   $total_fare = number_format($total_fare, 2, '.', '');
   if($oid!='' || $oid>0)
    $query_offer=mysql_query("SELECT offer FROM tbl_offer_master WHERE oid = '$oid' and validfrom <= '$action_dt' and validto >= '$action_dt'", $this->db);
     $result_offer = mysql_fetch_array($query_offer,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     array_push($arr,"Please Enter Valid Offer ID.");
   if($spid!='' || $spid>0)
    $query_sur=mysql_query("SELECT surplusper,surplusfix FROM tbl_surplus_master WHERE spid = '$spid'", $this->db);
     $result_sur= mysql_fetch_array($query_sur,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     if($surplusfix=='' || $surplusfix=='0.00')
     array_push($arr,"Please Enter Valid Sur Plus ID.");
   if($pcid!='' || $pcid>0)
    $query_promo=mysql_query("SELECT discount FROM tbl_promocode WHERE pcid = '$pcid' and validfrom <= '$action_dt' and validto>= '$action_dt'", $this->db);
     $result_promo = mysql_fetch_array($query_promo,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     array_push($arr,"Please Enter Valid Promo Code ID.==== SELECT discount FROM tbl_promocode WHERE pcid = '$pcid' and (validfrom >= '$action_dt' and validto<= '$action_dt')");
   if($crid!='' || $crid>0)
    $query_credit=mysql_query("SELECT credit FROM tbl_credit_master WHERE crid = '$crid'", $this->db);
     $result_credit = mysql_fetch_array($query_credit,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     array_push($arr,"Please Enter Valid Credit ID.");
   $final_total = $total_fare-$offer_discount-$promo_discount-$credit_discount+$surplus_added;
   $final_total = number_format($final_total, 2, '.', '');
   $query_goloyal=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_goloyal WHERE tbid = '$tbid' and is_activate=1", $this->db);
    $paymode = "Go Loyal";  
    $pay_dt=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_taxi_booking_payment (tbid, did, cid, oid, spid, pcid, crid, paymode, total_km, total_min, total_fare, final_total, pay_dt, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$tbid."', '".$did."', '".$cid."', '".$oid."', '".$spid."', '".$pcid."', '".$crid."', '".$paymode."', '".$total_km."', '".$total_min."', '".$total_fare."', '".$final_total."', '".$pay_dt."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
                // Invoice
    $sql_res_db = mysql_query("SELECT total_km, total_min,final_total,did,cid FROM tbl_taxi_booking_payment WHERE tbid = '$tbid' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_db) > 0)
     while($result_res_db = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_db,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res_b = mysql_query("SELECT collected_date,droped_date FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbid = '$tbid' and status='Completed' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_b) > 0)
       $total_km = $result_res_db["total_km"];
       $total_min = $result_res_db["total_min"];
       $final_total = $result_res_db["final_total"];
       $result_res_b = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_b,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $collected_date = stripslashes($result_res_b["collected_date"]);
       $droped_date = stripslashes($result_res_b["droped_date"]);
       $did = $result_res_db["did"];
       $sql_res_d = mysql_query("SELECT fname,lname,emailid FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did='".$did."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
       $result_res_d = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_d,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $drivername = stripslashes($result_res_d["fname"]." ".$result_res_d["lname"]);
       $driveremail = stripslashes($result_res_d["emailid"]);
       $cid = $result_res_db["cid"];
       $sql_res_c = mysql_query("SELECT fname,lname,phone_no,emailid FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid='".$cid."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
       $result_res_c = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_c,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $pasgname = stripslashes($result_res_c["fname"]." ".$result_res_c["lname"]);
       $pasgmobile = stripslashes($result_res_c["phone_no"]);
       $pasgemail = stripslashes($result_res_c["emailid"]);
       $sql_res_tb = mysql_query("SELECT booking_from_lat,booking_from_lng,booking_from,booking_to_lat,booking_to_lng,booking_to,booking_time FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid='".$tbid."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
       $result_res_tb = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_tb,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $booking_from_lat = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_from_lat"]);
       $booking_from_lng = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_from_lng"]);
       $booking_to_lat = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_to_lat"]);
       $booking_to_lng = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_to_lng"]);
       $booking_from = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_from"]);
       $booking_to = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_to"]);
       $booking_time = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_time"]);
     $body1 = "<font face=verdana size=2>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Driver Name:</strong> ".$drivername."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Booking Date Time:</strong> ".$booking_time."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Passenger Name:</strong> ".$pasgname."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Passenger Mob:</strong> ".$pasgmobile."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Booking From:</strong> ".$booking_from."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Booking To:</strong> ".$booking_to."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Collected Time:</strong> ".$collected_date."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Dropped Time:</strong> ".$droped_date."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Total KM:</strong> ".$total_km."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Total Time in minutes:</strong> ".$total_min."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Total Fare:</strong> ".$final_total."<br/>";
     $map = ''.$booking_from_lat.','.$booking_from_lng.'%7C'.$booking_to_lat.','.$booking_to_lng.'&size=512x512';
     $body1 .= "<strong>View Road Map of Travel:</strong> <a href=\"".$map."\">Click Here</a><br/>";
     $body1 .= "</font>";
     $emsubject = "Passenger Receipt from EZYGO.CO.NZ";
     $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
     $headers .= 'From:' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
       'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
       //$driveremail = "";
       mail($driveremail, $emsubject, $body1, $headers);
       mail($pasgemail, $emsubject, $body1, $headers);
       //echo $driveremail;
       //echo "SENT";
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_payment WHERE pid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);   
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]." ";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
################################ Booking Payment API END ###################################

################################ Driver Rating API Start ###################################
   * Simple Reg Driver Rating API
   *  Reg Driver Rating must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  rating : <rating>
   *  rdt : <rating Date>
   *  API URL  :
   private function registerdriverrating(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $rating = $this->_request['rating'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Rating.");
   $rdt = $this->_request['rdt'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Rating date.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_driver_rating (did, cid, rating, rdt, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$did."', '".$cid."', '".$rating."', '".$rdt."', '".$action_date."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_rating WHERE drid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get Driver Rating by DID API
   *  Get Driver Rating by DID must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getdriverratingbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_driver_rating.*, CONCAT_WS(' ',tbl_customer_master.fname,tbl_customer_master.lname) as name FROM tbl_driver_rating,tbl_customer_master WHERE did = '$did' and tbl_driver_rating.cid=tbl_customer_master.cid and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
################################ Driver Rating API END ###################################

################################ Driver Feedback API Start ###################################
   * Simple Reg Driver Feedback API
   *  Reg Driver Feedback must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  feedback : <Feedback>
   *  fdt : <Feedback Date>
   *  API URL  :
   private function registerdriverfeedback(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $feedback = $this->_request['feedback'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Feedback.");
   $fdt = $this->_request['fdt'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Feedback date.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_driver_feedback (did, cid, feedback, fdt, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$did."', '".$cid."', '".$feedback."', '".$fdt."', '".$action_date."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_feedback WHERE fid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get Driver Feedback by DID API
   *  Get Driver Feedback by DID must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getdriverfeedbackbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_driver_feedback.*, CONCAT_WS(' ',tbl_customer_master.fname,tbl_customer_master.lname) as name FROM tbl_driver_feedback,tbl_customer_master WHERE did = '$did' and tbl_driver_feedback.cid=tbl_customer_master.cid and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
################################ Driver Feedback API END ###################################
################################ PASSENGER API Start ###################################

   * Simple Passenger LOGIN API
   *  Passenger Login must be POST method
   *  username : <Passenger username>
   *  password : <Passenger password>
   *  API URL  :

  private function passengerlogin(){
   // Cross validation if the request method is POST else it will return "Not Acceptable" status
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $username = $this->_request['username'];
   $password = $this->_request['password'];
   // Input validations
   if(!empty($username) || !empty($password)){
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '".$password."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0){
     $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Username or Password1");
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);   
   $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Username or Password2");
   $this->api_response($this->json($error), 200);

   * Simple Passenger Forget Password API
   *  Passenger Forget Password must be POST method
   *  email : <USER Email>
   *  API URL  :

  private function passengerforgetpassword(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $email = $this->_request['email']; 
   if(!empty($email) && checkEmail($email)){
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE emailid = '".$email."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0){
     $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $length =10; 
     srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
     $max = $length/2;
     for($i=1; $i<=$max; $i++)
     $newpass = $password;
     $body1 = "<font face=verdana size=2>";
     $body1 .= "Your New Password<br><br>";
     $body1 .= "EMAIL-ID: ".$email."<br>";
     $body1 .= "PASSWORD: ".$newpass."<br>";
     $body1 .= "</font>";
     $emsubject = "Your New Password.";
     $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
     $headers .= 'From:' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
       'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
     if (mail($email, $emsubject, $body1, $headers))
      $del_sql = mysql_query("update tbl_customer_master set password='".$newpass."' where emailid='".$email."'", $this->db);
      $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE emailid = '$email' AND password = '".$newpass."'", $this->db);
      $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
      $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
      $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);    
      $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Message delivery failed...");
      $this->api_response($this->json($error), 200);     
     $this->api_response($this->json($result), 200);
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Email");
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 200);   
   $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Email");
   $this->api_response($this->json($error), 200);

   * Simple Passenger  Registeraton  API
   *  Passenger  Registeraton must be POST method
   *  fname : <Passenger First Name>
   *  lname : <Passenger Last Name>
   *  username : <Passenger Username>
   *  password : <Passenger Password>
   *  emailid : <Passenger Email>
   *  phone_no : <Passenger Contact Number>
   *  deviceid : <Passenger Device ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function passengerregisteration(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array(); 
   $fname = $this->_request['fname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter First Name.");
   $lname = $this->_request['lname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Last Name.");
   $username = $this->_request['username'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Username.");
   $password = $this->_request['password'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Password.");
   $emailid = $this->_request['emailid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Email.");
    if (!checkEmail($emailid))
     array_push($arr,"Please Enter Valid Email.");
   $phone_no = $this->_request['phone_no'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Contact Number.");
   $deviceid = $this->_request['deviceid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Device ID.");
    $squery = mysql_query("select * from tbl_customer_master where username='".$username."' or emailid='".$emailid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($squery) > 0){
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'This username or Email Already Exist.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 200);
     //array_push($arr, "This username/Email Already Exist.");
     $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_customer_master (fname, lname, username, password, emailid, phone_no, deviceid, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$username."', '".$password."', '".$emailid."', '".$phone_no."', '".$deviceid."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
     $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
     //echo $insert_sql; 
     $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
     $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     // Mail
     $body1 = "<font face=verdana size=2>";
     $body1 .= "Dear ".$fname.". Your account has been created for Passenger and your login details as<br><br>";
     $body1 .= "EMAIL-ID: ".$emailid."<br>";
     $body1 .= "PASSWORD: ".$password."<br>";
     $body1 .= "</font>";
     $emsubject = "Welcome to Ezygo.";
     $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
     $headers .= 'From:' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
       'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();     
     mail($emailid, $emsubject, $body1, $headers);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);   
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 200);

   * Simple Passenger Edit Registeraton  API
   *  Passenger  Registeraton must be POST method
   *  cid : <Passenger ID>
   *  fname : <Passenger First Name>
   *  lname : <Passenger Last Name>
   *  password : <Passenger Password>
   *  emailid : <Passenger Email>
   *  phone_no : <Passenger Contact Number>
   *  deviceid : <Passenger Device ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function passengereditprofile(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
   $fname = $this->_request['fname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter First Name.");
   $lname = $this->_request['lname'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Last Name.");
   $password = $this->_request['password'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Password.");
   $emailid = $this->_request['emailid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Email.");
    if (!checkEmail($emailid))
     array_push($arr,"Please Enter Valid Email.");
   $phone_no = $this->_request['phone_no'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Contact Number.");
    $squery = mysql_query("select * from tbl_customer_master where emailid='".$emailid."' and cid!='".$cid."'" , $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($squery) > 0){
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'This Email Already Exist.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
     $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $update_sql = "update tbl_customer_master set fname='".$fname."', lname='".$lname."', emailid='".$emailid."', password='".$password."', phone_no='".$phone_no."', deviceid='".$deviceid."' where cid='".$cid."'";
     $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
     $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
     $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);   
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Passenger Edit  Payment Method  API
   *  Passenger  Edit  Payment Method must be POST method
   *  cid : <Passenger ID>
   *  payment_method : <Passenger Payment method>
   *  cashstatus : <Passenger Cash Status>
   *  credit_card_no : <Passenger Credit Card No>
   *  exp_date : <Passenger Credit Card Expiary Date>
   *  cvv : <Passenger Credit Card  CVV>
   *  paypal : <Passenger Paypal email>
   *  API URL  :
  private function passengerpaymentmethod(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
   $payment_method = $this->_request['payment_method'];
   if($payment_method!=''){$strr.="payment_method='".$payment_method."', ";}
   $cashstatus = $this->_request['cashstatus'];
   if($cashstatus!=''){$strr.="cashstatus='".$cashstatus."', ";}
   $credit_card_no = $this->_request['credit_card_no'];
   if($credit_card_no!=''){$strr.="credit_card_no='".$credit_card_no."', ";}
   $exp_date = $this->_request['exp_date'];
   if($exp_date!=''){$strr.="exp_date='".$exp_date."', ";}
   $cvv = $this->_request['cvv'];
   if($cvv!=''){$strr.="cvv='".$cvv."', ";}
   $paypal = $this->_request['paypal'];
   if($paypal!=''){$strr.="paypal='".$paypal."', ";}
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_customer_master set ".$strr." where cid='".$cid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);     
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Customer  Add Address  API
   *  Customer  Add Address must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  add_cat : <Customer Home/Office>
   *  street : <Customer Street>
   *  city : <Customer City>
   *  state : <Customer State>
   *  postcode : <Customer Post Code>
   *  API URL  :

  private function customeraddress(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $add_cat = $this->_request['add_cat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Home/Office.");
   $street = $this->_request['street'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Street.");
   $city = $this->_request['city'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter City.");
   $state = $this->_request['state'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter State.");
   $postcode = $this->_request['postcode'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Post Code.");
   $address = $this->_request['address'];
   /*$address = "";
   if ($street!="") {$address = $address.$street;}
   if ($city!="") {$address = $address.",".$city;}
   if ($state!="") {$address = $address.",".$state;}
   if ($postcode!="") {$address = $address.",".$postcode;}*/
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_customer_address_master (cid, add_cat, street, city, state, postcode, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted,address) values ('".$cid."', '".$add_cat."', '".$street."', '".$city."', '".$state."', '".$postcode."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."','".$address."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT caid, cid, add_cat, CONCAT_WS(',',street,city,state,postcode) as address FROM tbl_customer_address_master WHERE caid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT caid, cid, add_cat, address FROM tbl_customer_address_master WHERE caid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);   
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Customer Edit Address  API
   *  Customer  Edit Address must be POST method
   *  caid : <Customer Address ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  add_cat : <Customer Home/Office>
   *  street : <Customer Street>
   *  city : <Customer City>
   *  state : <Customer State>
   *  postcode : <Customer Post Code>
   *  API URL  :

  private function customereditaddress(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $caid = $this->_request['caid'];
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $add_cat = $this->_request['add_cat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Home/Office.");
   $street = $this->_request['street'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Street.");
   $city = $this->_request['city'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter City.");
   $state = $this->_request['state'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter State.");
   $postcode = $this->_request['postcode'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Post Code.");
   $address = $this->_request['address'];
   /*$address = "";
   if ($street!="") {$address = $address.$street;}
   if ($city!="") {$address = $address.",".$city;}
   if ($state!="") {$address = $address.",".$state;}
   if ($postcode!="") {$address = $address.",".$postcode;} */
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_customer_address_master set cid='".$cid."', add_cat='".$add_cat."', street='".$street."', city='".$city."', state='".$state."', postcode='".$postcode."', action_date='".$action_date."', address='".$address."' where caid='".$caid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT caid, cid, add_cat, CONCAT_WS(',',street,city,state,postcode) as address FROM tbl_customer_address_master WHERE caid = '".$caid."'", $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT caid, cid, add_cat, address FROM tbl_customer_address_master WHERE caid = '".$caid."'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple get API for Home/Office Address info From cid
   *  get API for Home/Office Address info From cid must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function getaddressbycid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Id.");
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT caid, add_cat, CONCAT_WS(',',street,city,state,postcode) as address FROM tbl_customer_address_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT caid, add_cat, address FROM tbl_customer_address_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple get the selected payment method From cid
   *  get the selected payment method From cid must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function getpaymentmethodbycid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Id.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT cid, payment_method, cashstatus, credit_card_no, exp_date, cvv, paypal FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
################################ PASSENGER API End ###################################

   * Simple Get Fair Estimate  API
   *  Get Fair Estimate must be POST method
   *  did : <Driver ID>
   *  distance : <Tarvel Distance>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getfairestimate(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $did =(int) $this->_request['did'];
   $from = urlencode($this->_request['from']);
   $to = urlencode($this->_request['to']);
   //$from = file_get_contents($from);
   //$to = file_get_contents($to);
   //$distance = (float)$this->_request['distance'];
   $url = ''.$from.'&destinations='.$to.'&departure_time=now&traffic_model=best_guess&key=AIzaSyBj2Y63SxN6m0XXbFLyLTbRfDgCC_orFh0';
   $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
   $dist1 =  $data["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["text"];
   $dur1 =  $data["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["duration"]["text"];
   $durtraf1 =  $data["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["duration_in_traffic"]["text"];
   $dist = current(explode(' ', $dist1));
   $dur = current(explode(' ', $dur1));
   $durtraf = current(explode(' ', $durtraf1));
   $sql = mysql_query("SELECT vid, did, price_per_km, price_per_min, min_price FROM tbl_vehicle_master WHERE did = '$did'", $this->db);
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0){
    $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $total_dist=(float)$price_per_km*$dist; //6.6*1.95
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);     
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Invalid Driver Id");
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);   
################################ BOOKING API Start ###################################
   * Simple Add Booking  API
   *  Add Booking must be POST method
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  vtid : <Vehicle Type ID>
   *  booking_type : <Booking Type Current/Advance>
   *  booking_from_lat : <Booking From Address Lat>
   *  booking_from_lng : <Booking From Address Lng>
   *  booking_from : <Booking From Address>
   *  booking_to_lat : <Booking To Address Lat>
   *  booking_to_lng : <Booking To Address Lng>
   *  booking_to : <Booking To Address>
   *  noofpass : <Number Of Passenger>
   *  booking_time : <Booking Time>
   *  notes : <Booking Notes>
   *  API URL  :

  private function addbooking(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle Type ID");
   $booking_type = $this->_request['booking_type'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Type Current/Advance.");
   $booking_from_lat = $this->_request['booking_from_lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address Lat.");
   $booking_from_lng = $this->_request['booking_from_lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address Lng.");
   $booking_from = $this->_request['booking_from'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address.");
   $booking_to = $this->_request['booking_to'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking To Address.");
   $booking_to_lat = $this->_request['booking_to_lat'];
   $booking_to_lng = $this->_request['booking_to_lng'];
   if($booking_from_lat!='' && $booking_from_lng!='' && $booking_to_lat!='' && $booking_to_lng!='')
    $theta = $booking_from_lng - $booking_to_lng;
    $dist = sin(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * sin(deg2rad($booking_to_lat)) +  cos(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($booking_to_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
    $dist = acos($dist);
    $dist = rad2deg($dist);
    $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    $distance = $miles * 1.609344; // KM
   /*$pushmsg = "";
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $pushmsg = "Passenger Name: ".$result_res["fname"]." ".$result_res["lname"]." From: ".$booking_from." To: ".$booking_to;
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $dlat = $result_res["lat"];
     $dlng = $result_res["lng"];
     $theta = $booking_from_lng - $dlng;
     $dist = sin(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * sin(deg2rad($dlat)) +  cos(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($dlat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
     $dist = acos($dist);
     $dist = rad2deg($dist);
     $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
     $km = $miles * 1.609344;
     $km = round($km,0);   
     if ($km<=5)
      $APPLICATION_ID = "fo0mnigXyvaOPvn2KCls3e5u2IZoFunpaohFizzC";
      $REST_API_KEY = "q6ty6gEz5XmAJTefUD3bX1ArqKaGhIoVHBTxWg9Z";      
      $url = '';
      $data = array(
      'where' => array(
       'did' => $result_res["did"],
      'expiry' => 1451606400,
      'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsg",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment"),
      $_data = json_encode($data);
      $headers = array(
      'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
      'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
      'Content-Type: application/json',
      'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
      $curl = curl_init($url);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
   $noofpass = $this->_request['noofpass'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Number Of Passenger.");
   $booking_time = $this->_request['booking_time'];
   $booking_time=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
   /*$user_tz = 'NZ';
   $schedule_date = new DateTime($booking_time, new DateTimeZone($user_tz) );
   $schedule_date->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
   $booking_time =  $schedule_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');*/
   $notes = $this->_request['notes'];
   $fixedfare = $this->_request['fixedfare'];   
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_taxi_booking (cid, vtid, booking_type, booking_from_lat, booking_from_lng, booking_from, booking_to_lat, booking_to_lng, booking_to, distance, noofpass, booking_time, notes,fixedfare, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$cid."', '".$vtid."', '".$booking_type."', '".$booking_from_lat."', '".$booking_from_lng."', '".$booking_from."', '".$booking_to_lat."', '".$booking_to_lng."', '".$booking_to."',  '".$distance."', '".$noofpass."', '".$booking_time."', '".$notes."', '".$fixedfare."' ,'".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tb. * , (SELECT COUNT( * )  FROM tbl_taxi_booking_payment WHERE cid='$cid') AS cnt FROM tbl_taxi_booking tb WHERE tbid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    // Credit
    $sql_res1 = mysql_query("SELECT oid, offer_reason, offer, validfrom, validto FROM  `tbl_offer_master` WHERE is_activate =1 AND is_deleted =0 and validfrom <= '$action_dt' and validto >= '$action_dt'", $this->db);    
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res1) > 0)
     $result_res1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res1,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res,"creditstatus" => $crflag, "credititems" => $res1);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
  // API URL  :
  private function addbookingpush(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $booking_from_lat = $this->_request['booking_from_lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address Lat.");
   $booking_from_lng = $this->_request['booking_from_lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address Lng.");
   $booking_from = $this->_request['booking_from'];  
   $booking_to = $this->_request['booking_to'];
   $pushmsg = "";
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $pushmsg = "Passenger Name: ".$result_res["fname"]." ".$result_res["lname"]." From: ".$booking_from." To: ".$booking_to." Contact Number: ".$phone_no;
   //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT *, ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( RADIANS( '".$booking_from_lat."' ) ) * COS( RADIANS( Lat ) ) * COS( RADIANS( Lng ) - RADIANS( '".$booking_from_lng."' ) ) + SIN( RADIANS( '".$booking_from_lat."' ) ) * SIN( RADIANS( Lat ) ) )) AS distance FROM tbl_driver_master HAVING distance <5 ORDER BY distance", $this->db);
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $did = $result_res["did"];
     /*$dlat = $result_res["lat"];
     $dlng = $result_res["lng"];
     $theta = $booking_from_lng - $dlng;
     $dist = sin(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * sin(deg2rad($dlat)) +  cos(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($dlat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
     $dist = acos($dist);
     $dist = rad2deg($dist);
     $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
     $km = $miles * 1.609344;
     $km = round($km,0);     
     if ($km<=5)
      $APPLICATION_ID = "mALjhLoXULLHOoXR1n6K4pDOhZzKicjfyXMplpzK";
      $REST_API_KEY = "sU9RWrGuumdHGHIKOvAosCBk1GRRWXywLoO4EQTV";      
      $url = '';
      $data = array(
      'where' => array(
       'did' => $did,
      'expiry' => 1451606400,
      'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsg",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"New Booking"),
      $_data = json_encode($data);
      $headers = array(
      'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
      'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
      'Content-Type: application/json',
      'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
      $curl = curl_init($url);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);           
   * Simple Edit Booking  API
   *  Edit Booking must be POST method
   *  tbid : <Booking ID>
   *  cid : <Customer ID>
   *  vtid : <Vehicle Type ID>
   *  booking_type : <Booking Type Current/Advance>
   *  booking_from_lat : <Booking From Address Lat>
   *  booking_from_lng : <Booking From Address Lng>
   *  booking_from : <Booking From Address>
   *  booking_to_lat : <Booking To Address Lat>
   *  booking_to_lng : <Booking To Address Lng>
   *  booking_to : <Booking To Address>
   *  noofpass : <Number Of Passenger>
   *  booking_time : <Booking Time>
   *  notes : <Booking Notes>
   *  API URL  :

  private function editbooking(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle Type ID");
   $booking_type = $this->_request['booking_type'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Type Current/Advance.");
   $booking_from_lat = $this->_request['booking_from_lat'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address Lat.");
   $booking_from_lng = $this->_request['booking_from_lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address Lng.");
   $booking_from = $this->_request['booking_from'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking From Address.");
   $booking_to = $this->_request['booking_to'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking To Address.");
   $booking_to_lat = $this->_request['booking_to_lat'];
   $booking_to_lng = $this->_request['booking_to_lng'];
   if($booking_from_lat!='' && $booking_from_lng!='' && $booking_to_lat!='' && $booking_to_lng!='')
    $theta = $booking_from_lng - $booking_to_lng;
    $dist = sin(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * sin(deg2rad($booking_to_lat)) +  cos(deg2rad($booking_from_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($booking_to_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
    $dist = acos($dist);
    $dist = rad2deg($dist);
    $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    $distance = $miles * 1.609344;
   $noofpass = $this->_request['noofpass'];
    //array_push($arr,"Please Enter Number Of Passenger.");
   $booking_time = $this->_request['booking_time'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking Time.");
   $notes = $this->_request['notes'];
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $update_sql = "update tbl_taxi_booking set cid='".$cid."', vtid='".$vtid."', booking_type='".$booking_type."', booking_from_lat='".$booking_from_lat."', booking_from_lng='".$booking_from_lng."', booking_from='".$booking_from."', booking_to_lat='".$booking_to_lat."', booking_to_lng='".$booking_to_lng."', booking_to='".$booking_to."', distance='".$distance."', noofpass='".$noofpass."', booking_time='".$booking_time."', notes='".$notes."', action_date='".$action_date."' where tbid='".$tbid."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid = '".$tbid."'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
################################ BOOKING API End ###################################
   * Simple Get vtid  API
   *  Get vtid must be POST method
   *  vtype : <Vehicle Type>
   *  API URL  :

  private function getvtidbyvtype(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $vtype = $this->_request['vtype'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle Type.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_vehicle_type_master WHERE vtype = '".$vtype."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get nearby drivers API
   *  Get Get nearby drivers POST method
   *  lat : <Latitude>
   *  lng : <Longitude>
   *  vtid : <Vehicle Type Id>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getallnearbydrivers(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $lat = $this->_request['lat'];
   $lng = $this->_request['lng'];
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Latitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Longitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle Type Id.");
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_driver_master.* FROM tbl_driver_master, tbl_vehicle_master WHERE tbl_driver_master.is_activate=1 and tbl_driver_master.is_deleted=0 and tbl_driver_master.did=tbl_vehicle_master.did and tbl_vehicle_master.vtid='".$vtid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
       $dlat = $result_res["lat"];
       $dlng = $result_res["lng"];
          $theta = $lng - $dlng;
       $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat)) * sin(deg2rad($dlat)) +  cos(deg2rad($lat)) * cos(deg2rad($dlat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
       $dist = acos($dist);
       $dist = rad2deg($dist);
       $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
       $km = $miles * 1.609344;
       $km = round($km,0);
       //echo $km."<br/>";
       if ($km<=5)
      if ($found>0)
      $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
      $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
      $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Records Found.' );
      $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Records Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple get nearest driver API
   *  get nearest driver POST method
   *  lat : <Latitude>
   *  lng : <Longitude>
   *  vtid : <Vehicle Type Id>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getnearestdriver(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $lat = $this->_request['lat'];
   $lng = $this->_request['lng'];
   $vtid = $this->_request['vtid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Latitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Longitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Vehicle Type Id.");
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_driver_master.* FROM tbl_driver_master, tbl_vehicle_master WHERE tbl_driver_master.is_activate=1 and tbl_driver_master.is_deleted=0 and tbl_driver_master.did=tbl_vehicle_master.did and tbl_vehicle_master.vtid='".$vtid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $dlat = $result_res["lat"];
      $dlng = $result_res["lng"];
      $theta = $lng - $dlng;
      $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat)) * sin(deg2rad($dlat)) +  cos(deg2rad($lat)) * cos(deg2rad($dlat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
      $dist = acos($dist);
      $dist = rad2deg($dist);
      $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
      $km = $miles * 1.609344;
      //$km = round($km,0);
      //echo $km."<br/>";
      //if ($km<=1)
      // Vijay Code Start       
      $rkm = round($km,1);
      $rtime = round($time,0);
      $result_res["time"]=$rtime." min";
      $result_res["distance"]=$rkm." km";    
      // Vijay Code End    
      if ($km<$nkm)
     if ($nkm!=99999)
      $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $resvvvv);  
      $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
      $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Records Found.' );
      $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Records Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple get time and distance according to the passenger's current location API
   *  get time and distance according to the passenger's current location POST method
   *  passenger_lat : <Passenger Latitude>
   *  passenger_lng : <Passenger Longitude>
   *  driver_lat : <Driver Latitude>
   *  driver_lng : <Driver Longitude>
   *  API URL  :
  private function gettimedistance(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $passenger_lat = $this->_request['passenger_lat'];
   $passenger_lng = $this->_request['passenger_lng'];
   $driver_lat = $this->_request['driver_lat'];
   $driver_lng = $this->_request['driver_lng'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Passenger Latitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Passenger Longitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Latitude.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Longitude.");
    $theta = $passenger_lng - $driver_lng;
    $dist = sin(deg2rad($passenger_lat)) * sin(deg2rad($driver_lat)) +  cos(deg2rad($passenger_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($driver_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
    $dist = acos($dist);
    $dist = rad2deg($dist);
    $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    $km = $miles * 1.609344;
    //$km = round($km,0);
    $rkm = round($km,1);
    $rtime = round($time,0);
    $res["time"]=$rtime." min";
    $res["distance"]=$rkm." km";
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res );
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get vtid  API
   *  Get vtid must be POST method
   *  cid : <customer id>
   *  API URL  :

  private function getpassfav(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Id.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tb.* FROM tbl_taxi_booking tb inner join tbl_taxi_booking_status bs on tb.tbid = bs.tbid WHERE bs.status='Completed' and tb.cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
    //$sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT  * from tbl_customer_master where cid = '".$cid."'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get vtid  API
   *  Get vtid must be POST method
   *  cid : <customer id>
   *  API URL  :
  private function estfare(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
   $min = $this->_request['min'];
   $km = $this->_request['km'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Driver Id.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Min.");
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter KM.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT price_per_min,price_per_km,min_price FROM `tbl_vehicle_master` WHERE did = '".$did."'", $this->db);  
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     $res = "";
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      //$res[] = ($result_res["price_per_min"] * $min) + ($result_res["price_per_km"] * $km);
      $res = (($result_res["price_per_min"] * $min) + ($result_res["price_per_km"] * $km))+$result_res["min_price"];
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => "".$res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
  private function getallcust(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array(); 
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_customer_master` WHERE is_activate='1' and is_deleted='0'", $this->db);  
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
######################################## EMERGENCY NO #################################
   * Simple Get All Emergency No  API
   *  Get All Emergency No POST method
   *  API URL  :
  private function getallemergencyno(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_emergency WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

######################################## EMERGENCY NO  END #################################
######################################## Favorite Destination #################################
   * Simple Add Favorite Destination  API
   *  Add Favorite Destination POST method
   *  tbid : <Taxi Booking ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function addfavoritedestination(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
   if($tbid=="" || $tbid==0)
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");  
    $fvdt=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");  
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_favorite_destination (tbid, fvdt, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$tbid."', '".$fvdt."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_favorite_destination WHERE fdid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get Favorite Destination By cid  API
   *  Get Get Favorite Destination By cid POST method
   *  cid : <Taxi Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getfavoritedestinationbycid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tb.tbid,tb.booking_to,tb.booking_to_lat,tb.booking_to_lng FROM tbl_favorite_destination fd inner join tbl_taxi_booking tb on tb.tbid = fd.tbid and tb.cid ='$cid'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
   * Simple Get All Destination By cid  API
   *  Get Get All Destination By cid POST method
   *  cid : <Taxi Customer ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getalldestinationbycid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer ID.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tbid,booking_to,booking_to_lat,booking_to_lng FROM tbl_taxi_booking where tbid not in (SELECT tbid from tbl_favorite_destination) and cid ='$cid'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

######################################## Favorite Destination END #################################
######################################## Go Loyal  #################################
   * Simple Add Go Loyal  API
   *  Add Go Loyal POST method
   *  tbid : <Taxi Booking ID>
   *  API URL  :

  private function addgoloyal(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
   if($tbid=="" || $tbid==0)
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID.");
   $sql_cid = mysql_query("SELECT cid FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid='$tbid' and cid in (select cid from tbl_taxi_booking_payment) ", $this->db);  
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_cid) < 0)
    array_push($arr,"Passenger should not completed his first trip.");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $gldt=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $insert_sql = "insert into tbl_goloyal (tbid, gldt, action_date, is_activate, is_deleted) values ('".$tbid."', '".$gldt."', '".$action_date."', '".$is_activate."', '".$is_deleted."')";
    $sql = mysql_query($insert_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_goloyal WHERE glid = '$insert_id'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
######################################## Go Loyal  END #################################

   * Simple Add Go Loyal  API
   *  Add Go getfixedfarecharges method  
   *  API URL  :
  private function getfixedfarecharges(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT fixedfare FROM tbl_fixedfarecharge WHERE is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
   if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
    while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Get booking payment count API  
   *  cid : <customer id>
   *  API URL  :
  private function getbookingpaymentcnt(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Customer Id.");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT offer, (SELECT COUNT( * )  FROM  `tbl_taxi_booking_payment`  WHERE cid =  '$cid' ) AS cnt FROM  `tbl_offer_master`  WHERE is_activate =1 AND is_deleted =0 and validfrom <= '$action_dt' and validto >= '$action_dt'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   *  API URL  :

  private function getallvtype(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array(); 
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_vehicle_type_master where is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

        // Cancel Booking By Driver
  // API URL  :
  private function cancelbookingbydid(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbsid = $this->_request['tbsid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter tbsid.");
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter did");
    $action_date=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); 
    $update_sql = "update tbl_taxi_booking_status set status='Canceled', droped_date='".$action_date."' where tbsid = '".$tbsid."' and did = '".$did."'";
    $sql = mysql_query($update_sql, $this->db);
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbsid = '".$tbsid."' and did = '".$did."'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

  // Cancel Booking By Driver Push
  // API URL  :
  private function cancelbookingbydidpush(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbsid = $this->_request['tbsid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter tbsid.");
    $pushmsg = "";
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tb.cid,dm.fname, dm.lname, dm.phone_no, dm.driver_noplate, tb.booking_from, tb.booking_to FROM  `tbl_driver_master` dm INNER JOIN  `tbl_vehicle_master` vm ON vm.did = dm.did INNER JOIN  `tbl_taxi_booking_status` bs ON bs.did = dm.did INNER JOIN  `tbl_taxi_booking` tb ON tb.tbid = bs.tbid WHERE bs.status =  'Canceled' AND bs.tbsid = '".$tbsid."'", $this->db);  
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $pushmsg = "Booking Cancelled By Driver Name: ".$result_res["fname"]." ".$result_res["lname"]." Phone No: ".$result_res["phone_no"]." Taxi Number Plate: ".$result_res["driver_noplate"]." Booking From: ".$result_res["booking_from"]." Booking To: ".$result_res["booking_to"];
      $cid = $result_res["cid"];
     $APPLICATION_ID = "EwtvZ084bz37sdbhUpA8UGgDSjJ3QWzuVxWnxomD";
     $REST_API_KEY = "0mULy8Hapo6DPPTpaxTFot4i1vrIXb9FWJEJjvSc";      
     $url = '';
     $data = array(
     'where' => array(
     'cid' => $cid,
     'expiry' => 1451606400,
     'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsg",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"Booking Cancelled"),
     $_data = json_encode($data);
     $headers = array(
     'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
     'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
     'Content-Type: application/json',
     'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
     $curl = curl_init($url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);  
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);  
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
      $success = array("status" => "true", "msg" => "Push Send");  
      $success = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Push Fail");  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);     
     $msg = "Push Not Send";
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
  // All Current Booking of Driver
  // API URL  :
  private function currentbookingdrivers(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter cid");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT dm.fname, dm.lname, dm.phone_no, dm.driver_noplate, vm.made, vm.modelno FROM  `tbl_driver_master` dm INNER JOIN  `tbl_vehicle_master` vm ON vm.did = dm.did INNER JOIN  `tbl_taxi_booking_status` bs ON bs.did = dm.did INNER JOIN  `tbl_taxi_booking` tb ON tb.tbid = bs.tbid WHERE bs.status =  'Accepted' AND tb.cid='".$cid."'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
  // All Current Booking of Passenger
  // API URL  :
  private function currentbookingpassengers(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $did = $this->_request['did'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter did");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT cm.fname, cm.lname, cm.phone_no, tb.booking_from, tb.booking_to FROM  `tbl_customer_master` cm INNER JOIN  `tbl_taxi_booking` tb ON cm.cid = tb.cid INNER JOIN  `tbl_taxi_booking_status` bs ON bs.tbid = tb.tbid WHERE bs.did ='".$did."'", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

  // Terms & Condition
  // API URL  :
  private function termscond(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array(); 
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT term FROM tbl_term WHERE is_activate =1 AND is_deleted =0", $this->db);
    $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
    $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

  // All Current Booking of Passenger
  // API URL  :
  private function goloyalcredit(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $cid = $this->_request['cid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Cid");
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT tb.booking_from, tb.booking_to, tb.booking_time, tbp.total_km, tbp.total_min, tbp.total_fare, tbp.final_total FROM tbl_taxi_booking tb INNER JOIN tbl_taxi_booking_payment tbp ON tb.tbid = tbp.tbid INNER JOIN tbl_customer_master cm ON cm.cid = tb.cid WHERE cm.cid = '".$cid."' AND tbp.paymode = 'Go Loyal'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
  // API URL  :
  private function getcredit(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT oid, offer_reason, offer, validfrom, validto FROM  `tbl_offer_master`  WHERE is_activate =1 AND is_deleted =0 and validfrom <= '$action_dt' and validto >= '$action_dt'", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     $result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC);
     $success = array("status" => "true", "items" => $res);  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);      
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => 'No Record Found.' );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Simple Payment Receipt to Customer/Driver  API
   *  Send Payment Receipt on Payment Completion to Driver/Customer
   *  tbid : <Booking ID>
   *  API URL  :
  private function paymentreceiptdrivercustomer(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $tbid = $this->_request['tbid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter Booking ID.");
    $sql_res_db = mysql_query("SELECT total_km, total_min,final_total,did,cid FROM tbl_taxi_booking_payment WHERE tbid='".$tbid."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_db) > 0)
     while($result_res_db = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_db,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $sql_res_b = mysql_query("SELECT collected_date,droped_date FROM tbl_taxi_booking_status WHERE tbid='".$tbid."' and status='Completed' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
      if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res_b) > 0)
       $total_km = $result_res_db["total_km"];
       $total_min = $result_res_db["total_min"];
       $final_total = $result_res_db["final_total"];
       $result_res_b = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_b,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $collected_date = stripslashes($result_res_b["collected_date"]);
       $droped_date = stripslashes($result_res_b["droped_date"]);
       $did = $result_res_db["did"];
       $sql_res_d = mysql_query("SELECT fname,lname,emailid FROM tbl_driver_master WHERE did='".$did."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
       $result_res_d = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_d,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $drivername = stripslashes($result_res_d["fname"]." ".$result_res_d["lname"]);
       $driveremail = stripslashes($result_res_d["emailid"]);
       $cid = $result_res_db["cid"];
       $sql_res_c = mysql_query("SELECT fname,lname,phone_no,emailid FROM tbl_customer_master WHERE cid='".$cid."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
       $result_res_c = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_c,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $pasgname = stripslashes($result_res_c["fname"]." ".$result_res_c["lname"]);
       $pasgmobile = stripslashes($result_res_c["phone_no"]);
       $pasgemail = stripslashes($result_res_c["emailid"]);
       $sql_res_tb = mysql_query("SELECT booking_from_lat,booking_from_lng,booking_from,booking_to_lat,booking_to_lng,booking_to,booking_time FROM tbl_taxi_booking WHERE tbid='".$tbid."' and is_activate=1 and is_deleted=0", $this->db);
       $result_res_tb = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res_tb,MYSQL_ASSOC);
       $booking_from_lat = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_from_lat"]);
       $booking_from_lng = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_from_lng"]);
       $booking_to_lat = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_to_lat"]);
       $booking_to_lng = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_to_lng"]);
       $booking_from = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_from"]);
       $booking_to = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_to"]);
       $booking_time = stripslashes($result_res_tb["booking_time"]);
     $body1 = "<font face=verdana size=2>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Driver Name:</strong> ".$drivername."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Booking Date Time:</strong> ".$booking_time."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Passenger Name:</strong> ".$pasgname."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Passenger Mob:</strong> ".$pasgmobile."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Booking From:</strong> ".$booking_from."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Booking To:</strong> ".$booking_to."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Collected Time:</strong> ".$collected_date."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Dropped Time:</strong> ".$droped_date."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Total KM:</strong> ".$total_km."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Total Time in minutes:</strong> ".$total_min."<br/>";
     $body1 .= "<strong>Total Fare:</strong> ".$final_total."<br/>";
     $map = ''.$booking_from_lat.','.$booking_from_lng.'%7C'.$booking_to_lat.','.$booking_to_lng.'&size=512x512';
     $body1 .= "<strong>View Road Map of Travel:</strong> <a href=\"".$map."\">Click Here</a><br/>";
     $body1 .= "</font>";
     $emsubject = "Passenger Receipt from EZYGO.CO.NZ";
     $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
     $headers .= 'From:' . "\r\n" .
       'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
       'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
       //$driveremail = "";
       mail($driveremail, $emsubject, $body1, $headers);
       mail($pasgemail, $emsubject, $body1, $headers);
       //echo $driveremail;
       //echo "SENT";

  // API URL  :
  private function paymentconfirm(){
   if($this->get_api_request_method() != "POST"){
   $arr = array();
   $pid = $this->_request['pid'];
    array_push($arr,"Please Enter pid.");
    $pushmsg = "";
    $sql_res = mysql_query("SELECT cid,paymode,total_km,total_min,total_fare from `tbl_taxi_booking_payment` where pid = '".$pid."'", $this->db);  
    if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res) > 0)
     while($result_res = mysql_fetch_array($sql_res,MYSQL_ASSOC))
      $pushmsg = "Payment Done Successfully. Payment Mode: ".$result_res["paymode"].", Total KM: ".$result_res["total_km"].", Total Min: ".$result_res["total_min"].", Total Fare: ".$result_res["total_fare"];
      $cid = $result_res["cid"];
     $APPLICATION_ID = "EwtvZ084bz37sdbhUpA8UGgDSjJ3QWzuVxWnxomD";
     $REST_API_KEY = "0mULy8Hapo6DPPTpaxTFot4i1vrIXb9FWJEJjvSc";      
     $url = '';
     $data = array(
     'where' => array(
     'cid' => $cid,
     'expiry' => 1451606400,
     'data' => array('alert'=>"$pushmsg",'sound'=>"cheering.caf",'badge'=>"Increment",'title'=>"Payment Done"),
     $_data = json_encode($data);
     $headers = array(
     'X-Parse-Application-Id: ' . $APPLICATION_ID,
     'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ' . $REST_API_KEY,
     'Content-Type: application/json',
     'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_data),
     $curl = curl_init($url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data);  
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);  
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
      $success = array("status" => "true", "msg" => "Push Send");  
      $success = array("status" => "false", "msg" => "Push Fail");  
     $this->api_response($this->json($success), 200);     
     $msg = "Push Not Send";
     $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
     $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
     $msg .= $arr[$i]."<br>";
    $error = array("status" => "false", "msg" => $msg );
    $this->api_response($this->json($error), 400);

   * Encode array into JSON
  private function json($data){
    return json_encode($data);
 $api = new API;


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